Since researchers first described osteoporosis in the early
1940s, much has been learned about bone loss and how to prevent it.
Osteoporosis is a disease that results from bone loss, or the loss of
bone density and tissue. It is normal to lose some bone density
as you age, but some people are at risk of losing a greater amount than
others and developing osteoporosis. Fortunately, you can help lower
your risk of bone loss by eating a diet rich in the nutrients that keep
your bones healthy and strong.
Preventing Osteoporosis Through Diet: Calcium
Calcium is essential for healthy bones. The body uses and loses
calcium every day. If more calcium is lost than is replaced, bone loss
Because the body does not make calcium, you must get calcium from the
foods you eat. The amount of calcium needed in your diet every day is
1,200 milligrams for adults over 50 years old; 1,000 mg for adults ages
19 to 50; and 1,300 mg for children ages 9 to 18. However, in the United
States, most people get only half the recommended amount, or about one
and a half dairy servings per day, according to Janet Tietyen, PhD, RD,
associate extension professor at the University of Kentucky's School of
Human Environmental Sciences. Additionally, says Tietyen, “Women age 20
and over average only slightly more than one serving of dairy foods per
“Dairy foods are rich sources of calcium,” says Tietyen. “Milk,
yogurt, cheese, and frozen desserts are popular sources of calcium with
300 mg or more in a one-cup or one-ounce serving. Dairy foods with lower
fat and water content are more concentrated sources of calcium.” Dairy foods also provide another nutrient, phosphorus, needed to work with calcium.
“Some vegetables, like leafy greens, contain 150 to 270 mg of calcium a serving,” Tietyen adds. Other sources of calcium include:
- Sardines and salmon with bones
- Tofu (the amount varies, so read the label before you buy)
- Almonds
- Calcium-fortified foods such as orange juice and cereals
Preventing Osteoporosis Through Diet: Protein
“Protein is the next most important nutrient for bone health,” says Tietyen. Good sources of protein are:
- Meats, poultry, and fish
- Nuts and seeds
- Dairy products
- Dry beans and peas
- Eggs
Preventing Osteoporosis Through Diet: Other Nutrients for Strong Bones
Vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption and consequently to
prevent bone loss. The daily recommendations for vitamin D are 400 to
800 International Units (IU) for adults under age 50, and 800 to 1,000
IU daily for adults age 50 and older. People may be able to meet their
vitamin D needs by getting at least 15 minutes a day of sun exposure. If
you’re housebound or live in a colder climate, you may benefit from
taking daily vitamin D supplements of 400 to 600 IU. If you drink milk
for the calcium, you may also be getting vitamin D because it’s usually
added to milk; other food sources are egg yolks, saltwater fish, and
Magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, fluoride, and vitamins A and C are also required to prevent bone loss. Eating a well-balanced diet
that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, meats,
beans, nuts, and seeds helps ensure that you’re getting what you need.
Preventing Osteoporosis Through Diet: The Food vs. Supplement Debate
Getting at least the minimum recommended amount of needed nutrients
every day is most important in maintaining healthy bones and preventing
bone loss and osteoporosis. Tietyen advises that you try to get your
nutrients from food rather than relying on multi-vitamins. “If three or
four servings of dairy foods just do not fit into your daily diet, a
multi-vitamin will provide about 400 IUs of vitamin D,” says Tietyen.
She also recommends taking a separate calcium supplement because calcium
can interact with other nutrients.
Get to know the nutrients necessary in preventing bone loss, and make
sure your diet is serving up sufficient portions of vital bone-building